Saturday 30 May 2015

Meet the next EFCC Chairman.

Colonel Hamid Ibrahim Alli

Colonel Hamid Ibrahim Alli is a brave Kano Prince. He was a military governor of Kaduna state and a diehard IBB boy who is reputed to have made the statement “I can follow IBB to war blindfolded” to show how much he believed in IBB as a general. But that didn’t stop him from looking IBB in the face and telling him he was wrong on the case of the annulment of June 12 1993 elections.

He lost his commission because he refused to support the annulment of the June 12 election and Abacha’s takeover of government instead of handing over to MKO. Despite his famous dislike for MKO, whom he saw as an arrogant man, he insisted justice and fairplay must be done. He demanded MKO be sworn in even if he was a devil. 

Rumour has it that he would have been killed if not because he was a blue blood. He left the Army and government unceremoniously, a simple man without money or scandal. According to reports, he is into poultry farming and still drives a 504 Peugeot. 

Colonel Hamid Ibrahim Ali is currently undergoing SSS screening in preparation for his appointment.I mmediately there were feelers that he will emerge the next EFCC Chairman, corrupt politicians have been on panic mode. Some have started refunding stolen funds.

With a man like this, even some APC "ogas at the top" are not spared.  

Please do leave your comments 

Friday 29 May 2015

Inaugural speech by His Excellency, President Muhammadu Buhari following his swearing-in as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on 29th May, 2015

I am immensely grateful to God Who Has preserved us to witness this day and this occasion. Today marks a triumph for Nigeria and an occasion to celebrate her freedom and cherish her democracy. Nigerians have shown their commitment to democracy and are determined to entrench its culture. Our journey has not been easy but thanks to the determination of our people and strong support from friends abroad we have today a truly democratically elected government in place.

I would like to thank President Goodluck Jonathan for his display of statesmanship in setting a precedent for us that has now made our people proud to be Nigerians wherever they are. With the support and cooperation he has given to the transition process, he has made it possible for us to show the world that despite the perceived tension in the land we can be a united people capable of doing what is right for our nation. Together we co-operated to surprise the world that had come to expect only the worst from Nigeria. I hope this act of graciously accepting defeat by the outgoing President will become the standard of political conduct in the country.

I would like to thank the millions of our supporters who believed in us even when the cause seemed hopeless. I salute their resolve in waiting long hours in rain and hot sunshine to register and cast their votes and stay all night if necessary to protect and ensure their votes count and were counted. I thank those who tirelessly carried the campaign on the social media. At the same time, I thank our other countrymen and women who did not vote for us but contributed to make our democratic culture truly competitive, strong and definitive.
I thank all of you.

Having just a few minutes ago sworn on the Holy Book, I intend to keep my oath and serve as President to all Nigerians.
I belong to everybody and I belong to nobody.
A few people have privately voiced fears that on coming back to office I shall go after them. These fears are groundless. There will be no paying off old scores. The past is prologue.
Our neighbours in the Sub-region and our African brethenen should rest assured that Nigeria under our administration will be ready to play any leadership role that Africa expects of it. Here I would like to thank the governments and people of Cameroon, Chad and Niger for committing their armed forces to fight Boko Haram in Nigeria.

I also wish to assure the wider international community of our readiness to cooperate and help to combat threats of cross-border terrorism, sea piracy, refugees and boat people, financial crime, cyber crime, climate change, the spread of communicable diseases and other challenges of the 21st century.

At home we face enormous challenges. Insecurity, pervasive corruption, the hitherto unending and seemingly impossible fuel and power shortages are the immediate concerns. We are going to tackle them head on. Nigerians will not regret that they have entrusted national responsibility to us. We must not succumb to hopelessness and defeatism. We can fix our problems.
In recent times Nigerian leaders appear to have misread our mission. Our founding fathers, Mr Herbert Macauley, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Alhaji Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna of Sokoto, Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Malam Aminu Kano, Chief J.S. Tarka, Mr Eyo Ita, Chief Denis Osadeby, Chief Ladoke Akintola and their colleagues worked to establish certain standards of governance. They might have differed in their methods or tactics or details, but they were united in establishing a viable and progressive country. Some of their successors behaved like spoilt children breaking everything and bringing disorder to the house.

Furthermore, we as Nigerians must remind ourselves that we are heirs to great civilizations: Shehu Othman Dan fodio’s caliphate, the Kanem Borno Empire, the Oyo Empire, the Benin Empire and King Jaja’s formidable domain. The blood of those great ancestors flow in our veins. What is now required is to build on these legacies, to modernize and uplift Nigeria.
Daunting as the task may be it is by no means insurmountable. There is now a national consensus that our chosen route to national development is democracy. To achieve our objectives we must consciously work the democratic system. 

The Federal Executive under my watch will not seek to encroach on the duties and functions of the Legislative and Judicial arms of government. The law enforcing authorities will be charged to operate within the Constitution. We shall rebuild and reform the public service to become more effective and more serviceable. We shall charge them to apply themselves with integrity to stabilize the system.
For their part the legislative arm must keep to their brief of making laws, carrying out over-sight functions and doing so expeditiously. The judicial system needs reform to cleanse itself from its immediate past. The country now expects the judiciary to act with dispatch on all cases especially on corruption, serious financial crimes or abuse of office. It is only when the three arms act constitutionally that government will be enabled to serve the country optimally and avoid the confusion all too often bedeviling governance today.

Elsewhere relations between Abuja and the States have to be clarified if we are to serve the country better. Constitutionally there are limits to powers of each of the three tiers of government but that should not mean the Federal Government should fold its arms and close its eyes to what is going on in the states and local governments. Not least the operations of the Local Government Joint Account. While the Federal Government can not interfere in the details of its operations it will ensure that the gross corruption at the local level is checked. As far as the constitution allows me I will try to ensure that there is responsible and accountable governance at all levels of government in the country. For I will not have kept my own trust with the Nigerian people if I allow others abuse theirs under my watch.
However, no matter how well organized the governments of the federation are they can not succeed without the support, understanding and cooperation of labour unions, organized private sector, the press and civil society organizations. I appeal to employers and workers alike to unite in raising productivity so that everybody will have the opportunity to share in increased prosperity. The Nigerian press is the most vibrant in Africa. My appeal to the media today – and this includes the social media – is to exercise its considerable powers with responsibility and patriotism.

My appeal for unity is predicated on the seriousness of the legacy we are getting into. With depleted foreign reserves, falling oil prices, leakages and debts the Nigerian economy is in deep trouble and will require careful management to bring it round and to tackle the immediate challenges confronting us, namely; Boko Haram, the Niger Delta situation, the power shortages and unemployment especially among young people. For the longer term we have to improve the standards of our education. We have to look at the whole field of medicare. We have to upgrade our dilapidated physical infrastructure.

The most immediate is Boko Haram’s insurgency. Progress has been made in recent weeks by our security forces but victory can not be achieved by basing the Command and Control Centre in Abuja. The command centre will be relocated to Maiduguri and remain until Boko Haram is completely subdued. But we can not claim to have defeated Boko Haram without rescuing the Chibok girls and all other innocent persons held hostage by insurgents.
This government will do all it can to rescue them alive. Boko Haram is a typical example of small fires causing large fires. An eccentric and unorthodox preacher with a tiny following was given posthumous fame and following by his extra judicial murder at the hands of the police. Since then through official bungling, negligence, complacency or collusion Boko Haram became a terrifying force taking tens of thousands of lives and capturing several towns and villages covering swathes of Nigerian sovereign territory.
Boko Haram is a mindless, godless group who are as far away from Islam as one can think of. At the end of the hostilities when the group is subdued the Government intends to commission a sociological study to determine its origins, remote and immediate causes of the movement, its sponsors, the international connexions to ensure that measures are taken to prevent a reccurrence of this evil. For now the Armed Forces will be fully charged with prosecuting the fight against Boko haram. We shall overhaul the rules of engagement to avoid human rights violations in operations. We shall improve operational and legal mechanisms so that disciplinary steps are taken against proven human right violations by the Armed Forces.
Boko Haram is not only the security issue bedeviling our country. The spate of kidnappings, armed robberies, herdsmen/farmers clashes, cattle rustlings all help to add to the general air of insecurity in our land. We are going to erect and maintain an efficient, disciplined people – friendly and well – compensated security forces within an over – all security architecture.
The amnesty programme in the Niger Delta is due to end in December, but the Government intends to invest heavily in the projects, and programmes currently in place. I call on the leadership and people in these areas to cooperate with the State and Federal Government in the rehabilitation programmes which will be streamlined and made more effective. As ever, I am ready to listen to grievances of my fellow Nigerians. I extend my hand of fellowship to them so that we can bring peace and build prosperity for our people.
No single cause can be identified to explain Nigerian’s poor economic performance over the years than the power situation. It is a national shame that an economy of 180 million generates only 4,000MW, and distributes even less. Continuous tinkering with the structures of power supply and distribution and close on $20b expanded since 1999 have only brought darkness, frustration, misery, and resignation among Nigerians. We will not allow this to go on. Careful studies are under way during this transition to identify the quickest, safest and most cost-effective way to bring light and relief to Nigerians.
Unemployment, notably youth un-employment features strongly in our Party’s Manifesto. We intend to attack the problem frontally through revival of agriculture, solid minerals mining as well as credits to small and medium size businesses to kick – start these enterprises. We shall quickly examine the best way to revive major industries and accelerate the revival and development of our railways, roads and general infrastructure.
Your Excellencies, My fellow Nigerians I can not recall when Nigeria enjoyed so much goodwill abroad as now. The messages I received from East and West, from powerful and small countries are indicative of international expectations on us. At home the newly elected government is basking in a reservoir of goodwill and high expectations. Nigeria therefore has a window of opportunity to fulfill our long – standing potential of pulling ourselves together and realizing our mission as a great nation.
Our situation somehow reminds one of a passage in Shakespeare’s Julius Ceasar
There is a tide in the affairs of men which,
taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life,
Is bound in shallows and miseries.
We have an opportunity. Let us take it.
Thank you
Muhammadu Buhari
President Federal Republic of NIGERIA
Commander in-chief-of the Armed forces

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Group Asks court to stop Buhari's inauguration!

President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari
A group, Advocacy for Societal Rights Advancement and Development Initiative,   has instituted a fresh suit before the Federal High Court in Abuja seeking to stop the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Mahmud Mohammed, from swearing the President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari, on Friday.
The suit filed on Tuesday is also seeking an order nullifying the certificate of return issued to Buhari by the Independent National Electoral Commission.
The plaintiff hinged the suit on the allegation that Buhari did not qualify to contest the presidential election on the grounds that he gave false information about his academic qualification to INEC.
Between January and February 2015 there were about 10 cases instituted by various plaintiffs challenging Buhari’s eligibility to stand for the poll on the grounds of his academic qualification controversy. But after he won, the cases were withdrawn.
In the fresh suit filed by its lawyer, Mr. Philip Ekpo, the group alleged that Buhari did not meet the qualification enshrined in the 1999 Constitution and the Electoral Act to stand for the March 28, 2015 presidential election.
Buhari, INEC, the CJN are the 1st to the 3rd respondents in the suit respectively.
The plaintiff is seeking an order of interim injunction restraining the CJN “or any person acting in his capacity” from swearing in Buhari as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on May 29, 2015 or any other date thereof pending the determination of the motion on notice.
The plaintiff seeks among other orders, “A declaration that the 3rd defendant be stopped from swearing in the 1st defendant as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as the issue of perjury involving the 1st defendant has not been resolved.
“An order restraining the 3rd defendant or any person appointed for such purpose from swearing in the 1st defendant as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on May 29, 2015 or any future dates whatsoever for giving false information to the 2nd respondent on oath.
“An order annulling the Certificate of Return given to the 1st defendant by the 2nd defendant.”
The grounds canvassed by the plaintiff read, “The 1st respondent (Buhari) gave false information in the affidavit he presented to the 2nd respondent (INEC) and on the strength of which he contested and purportedly won the presidential election which was conducted by the 2nd respondent on March 28, 2015.
“The 1st respondent deposed to an affidavit dated November 24, 2014 that his West African School Leaving Certificate is in the custody of the Secretary to the Military Board.
“The Nigerian Army on January 20, 2015, said that in the personal file of the 1st respondent with the Nigerian Army, they do not have the original copy of his West African School Leaving Certificate nor does the Nigerian Army have the Certified True Copy of his WASC results neither do they have a photocopy of the said result.
“The 1st respondent has not met the qualifications enshrined in the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Electoral Act, Cap E6, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2010 (as amended) to have contested the position of President of Nigeria at the 2015 general elections.
“That the authority conferred by Section 140 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) on the 3rd respondent to administer oath of office to any person who will occupy the office of the President of Nigeria cannot be exercised in respect of the 1st respondent who has not fulfilled the requirements of the same constitution and the Electoral Act as it relates to his eligibility to occupy the office of President of Nigeria.”
The case has not been assigned to any judge.

Monday 25 May 2015

Fuel scarcity update!! Good news at last

Stakeholders in the petroleum sector, at a public hearing organised by the Joint Senate Committee on Petroleum Resources(Upstream and Downstream), on Monday resolved to mobilise their members for the immediate distribution of fuel across the country.
Senator Magnus Abe,  who read a communique signed by the stakeholders after the session,  explained that the  Finance Minister/Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, and other stakeholders, who attended the meeting, unanimously agreed to the peace deal, in the interest of the nation.
He also explained that following the intervention of the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, the strike embarked upon by the National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers and the  Petroleum and Energy Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria, had been called off.
He said, “We have agreed on the following:  first is that the Minister of Finance will give an undertaking to the Major Marketers and Depot Managers that the work of the committee being headed by CBN and PPPR, on the outstanding claims, would be concluded and be reflected in the hand over notes to the incoming administration.”
The Senator said the Major Oil Marketers Association of Nigeria had agreed to begin lifting of petroleum products nationwide within the next six hours and to also pay the National Association of Road Transport Owners, the transport cost that would be determined by them.
He added that the Depot Managers had agreed to open all their depots nationwide so that lifting would commence and had agreed with the DPR to withdraw the operational licence of any depot which was not opened for fuel lifting.
Abe said the NNPC had directed all relevant staff, working in the various depots across the country, to work 24 hours, including Saturday and Sunday, for the next two weeks until normalcy returns to the sector.
He explained that the committee would reach out to the Lagos State Government on the agreement reached and the need for their contribution towards ensuring smooth lifting of fuel in all the depots.

Sunday 24 May 2015

#Fuel Scarcity: MTN, Beat FM, Classic FM Closing Down Operations

The on going fuel scarcity in the country may be the worse experienced yet in recent years, as it is now forcing companies to shut down operations.
This evening Beat FM, Classic FM, Naija FM were forced to shut down operations earlier than usual.
The Radio stations announced via their twitter pages that they will be shutting down their services tonight from 8:30pm due shortage in fuel/diesel supply in the country.

The effect of the scarcity has also been felt by telecoms giants MTN. resulting in the company sending out a formal announcement to its consumers that services would be impaired due to the scarcity.

I do not remember the fuel situation at any point in time being this bad and lingering for so long. Worse still the out going government has failed to take responsibility and  remained mum on what is being done. Price per litre of petrol has shot up ridiculously even in the black market, with 10 litres of fuel costing N3000 upward if it's even available to buy. The situation is really crazy. God help Nigerians.

Do leave your comments

Saturday 23 May 2015

END TIME THINGS: Pastor Orders Female Members To Strip During Church Service, Steps On Them(Photos)

These, indeed are the last days. You all recall the story of South African Pastor Lesego Daniel of the Rabboni Centre Ministries who ordered members of his congregation to eat grass which went viral. Now comes another demonstration of faith/obedience from our own dear "Xenophobia infested" South Africa.

During a church service, one Prophet Penuel of the Guateng End-Time Disciples Ministries made members of his congregation to strip half  naked.

He also stepped on the members while they laid on the floor, causing an outrage from many people who have seen the photos. The pictures were shared on the church's Facebook page but were deleted after facing a backlash.
The church tagged one of the photos as "Demonstration of God's power>No Pain in them, meaning God is with us. To God be the Glory"

May God save us all from the hands of these end time p
astors and prophets. 

Please do leave your comments. 

Africa’s Highest-Potential Mobile Markets

497951431Nigeria and South Africa are nos. 2 and 3, respectively, on the list of countries with the highest rate of Internet use, according to a recent survey.
The news isn’t surprising to us at BlackBerry, as we’ve been doing business in both of these countries for years. I thought I’d share some of what we know about Africa’s two biggest mobile markets, both of which promise lots of growth for mobile services in the coming years. This is the first post in a series of two, and focuses on Nigeria.
Nigeria: “The Giant of Africa”
The Federal Republic of Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, and has one of the largest youth populations in the world (CIA World Factbook). It’s also a growing market. Oil reserves fuel the country’s strong economy, which recently surpassed that of South Africa to become the biggest on the continent, with a $500 billion GDP, and a 7% growth rate (double that of Europe and the U.S.).
Fast-Growing Mobile Market
With more than 125 million subscribers, and a 75% penetration rate (2014), Nigeria is also Africa’s largest mobile market. Money transfers are one of the main drivers behind mobile’s popularity, both within the country, and international remittance coming in from Nigerians living and working abroad. So it follows that messaging is also big, as it’s an affordable way to keep in touch across borders. Mobile is also expanding access to basic services in the country, and has the potential to fill the gaps for millions of people.
Where these three drivers come together is in payments through messaging apps. At BlackBerry, we’ve already integrated BBM with TransferTo, and will be testing this kind of service in Nigeria very soon.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Here is what okra does to pregnat women

I have come to realize that people pay paltry attention to foods that are common or rather cheap. They prefer to buy ones that are expensive while believing they are more nutritious. So is the case of this finger like, readily available vegetable called okra.Sometimes this is a complete misconception.  This versatile vegetable can be added and prepared with other vegetables to suit your appetite. In this short post, I will be sharing with you why pregnant women should include servings of okra into their diets at recommended allowance before and during pregnancy.
The economy of our country has affected everything. Gone are those days when couples plan to get pregnant. Now, they only wake up to visit the clinic to find out from the Medical Doctor that the wife is pregnant without having a serious intention for the unborn baby.
fresh okra
It is essential that prior to pregnancy and during pregnancy, the woman ought to change her eating habits and consume certain foods that help the health of a pregnant woman. One of such foods is Okra vegetable. I have been privilege to work with children with developmental challenges. Asides from other complications which could lead to some of these developmental conditions, lack of folate or folic acid in a woman’s diet can cause Neutral Tube Defects such as Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida. These are not common birth defects but children with these conditions exist. Okra contains a reasonable amount of folate which helps in reducing the chances of a pregnant woman producing a baby with these conditions.
Besides being high in folate, Okra is low in calories and loaded with plenty vitamins such as A, thiamine, B6, C, riboflavin and minerals such as calcium, zinc and dietary fiber.  The fibre helps in preventing constipation, while the low calorie of the vegetable helps in proper weight management during pregnancy. While no one should lose weight during pregnancy, it is essential to avoid being obese. It is clearly unhealthy.
Ensure you properly wash your okra vegetable to avoid contaminants and you cook them under low heat to avoid loss of nutrients that are essential in the proper development of the foetus.
Okra Nutritional value per 100 g
Energy                             30 kcal 150 kJ
Carbohydrates               7.6 g
Dietary fiber                    3.2 g
Fat                                    0.1g
Protein                             2.0 g
Folate                              (Vit. B9) 87.8g 22%
Vitamin C                        21 mg 35%
Calcium                          75 mg 8%
Magnesium                   57 mg 15%
Vitamin A                      (660 IU)
Percentages are relative to US recommendations for adults.

Wickedness!!! 3 brothers kill blood brother over late father's house.

dead brotherdead brother3
Body of the late Yusuf Osun.
Three brothers have been arrested by the police in connection with the murder of their blood brother. Fatia Osun (31), Sakiru Osun (20) and their step-brother, Tunji (34), were accused of killing Yusuf Osun (27) over N15 million which was to be realised from the sale of a house left behind by their late father.
The incident occurred in the early hours of Thursday, February 27 2014, at Kano street in Mobile Estate, Satellite Town, Lagos and left residents of the estate and its environs jittery.

Fatia Osun, who is a Muslim cleric and is popularly known and referred to as an “Alfa”, is alleged to have connived with his younger brother Sakiru, to kill Yusuf so that they would share the entire amount. The late Yusuf Osun was strangled with a 2.5mm wire by Fatia while his other brothers stabbed him.

After the murder, the half brother of the perpetrators and the deceased, Tunji, sent a text message to a neighbour, telling him that Yusuf had passed away. He informed the neighbour that Yusuf had gotten drunk, slipped in the bathroom and hit his head.

However, his story was suspect because Yusuf was a known teetotaller,  and suspicious neighbours came to the house and found Yusuf’s body with all the wounds. They alleged that Tunji assisted his brothers in moving Yusuf’s body to the bathroom and cleaning out the sitting room, where the incident had occurred.

At this point, the crowd turned into a mob, and beat up the brothers before informing the police who promptly arrested the brothers.

The genesis

According to neighbours, their late father had willed the house to Yusuf because of long lasting disagreements that he had with Fatia, the eldest over his lifestyle. But, said neighbours also claimed that the men’s father failed to leave a written will behind.

After the death of their parents, Alfa proposed the sale of the house to his brothers but the late Yusuf objected to the sale of the property which was valued at N15 million. Yusuf instead suggested that they rent the house out and move to the boys-quarters because to him, the house was their only hope for long term survival.

His refusal led to a disagreement between with his brothers, which resulted in a bloody fight. It was alleged that in that fighting, his brother, Fatia, stabbed him six times. Yusuf however survived this fight and was admitted to hospital where he recovered after spending almost 3 weeks.

Upon his release from the hospital, Yusuf apparently accepted to sell the house and divide the money as his brothers wanted, so the house was put up for sale. Eventually, a buyer showed interest and offered N15 million.

Upon reaching an agreement with the prospective buyer, the eldest, Fatia, informed his brothers that he was entitled to N10 million of the money, while they would have to make do with N5 million amongst themselves.

The neighbours said that Yusuf had the previous night asked people to lend him N1,000 to go out since he wasn’t comfortable sleeping in their home.

Neighbours react

When our correspondent visited the neighbourhood, the residents were all still in shock.

A neighbour who pleaded anonymity, said he was surprised that Alfa could carry out such a dastardly act adding that she never imagined that such a thing will happen in their estate.

“That means, his going to mosque and the whole Alfa thing is all camouflage, we all need to be wary about people around us, how can someone be so inhuman and callous to kill another person not to talk of killing his own brother over worldly things”.

A neighbour, Yinka Adewale, said one of the accused and the most senior (Fatia) was also responsible for the death of their late father.

“His plan was to sell the house long time ago, the death of his brother is not surprising to me because his father died mysteriously, so did his mother. He was taking out all those that seemed like a stumbling block to him,” Yinka said.

“Something of this nature has never happened nor heard of within this vicinity, Mobile Estate is a peace place to live. Its a sad event, I don’t even want to talk about it again. Its just so painful” another resident lament.


During interrogation, Sakiru, one of the accused who is also the youngest in the family, said his elder brother promised to send him abroad so he can have a good life if he took part in eliminating their brother, Yusuf.

Investigations are currently ongoing at the Area E command Police station, Lagos and will be transferred to the Panti police station Yaba for further investigation.

I pray for our next generation to be saved.  

Sunday 10 May 2015

Buhari shocks APC govs, rejects ministerial list

PRESIDENT-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari appeared to have dashed the hopes of the governors elected on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) when he rejected their plans to submit a ministerial list to him.
The APC governors, led by Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State, had, last Tuesday, visited Buhari in. Abuja to pledge loyalty and make some demands.w
At the meeting, some requests were placed on the table openly, while the request to drop the list of possible ministers came up for discussion behind the closed door.
Sources close to the meeting between the governors and General Buhari indicated that the state chief executives came out of the visit with heavy minds.
Planning to maintain the tradition already instituted by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) where the state governors as party leaders in the states are requested to submit list of possible ministers and Ambassadorial appointees to the president, the governors threw the request at Buhari.
But it was learnt  the General rejected the proposal and declared that the Constitution does not mandate him to take a list of ministerial nominees from them.
The president-elect was also said to have rejected the call for a bailout for the states that have been unable to pay salaries, with a source informing Sunday Tribune that the General flatly rejected the proposal, saying the he was aware the Federal Government was not owing the states their allocations.
A source close to the discussion told the Sunday Tribune that General Buhari told the governors that those of them in their second terms could not complain about the state of government finances, as they have all been collecting allocations from the Federal Government all along.
A source in the know said:
“The governors practically went out of the visit with their tails between their legs. The General first threw aside the request that he grant bailout to the states. He told them that the governors going for second term in office cannot complain about the state of the economy, having collected all their allocations to date from the Federal Government. He ruled out the possibility of bailout.
“The General was also very unequivocal when he was told that the governors want to submit a ministerial list to him. He clearly said he cannot go into that discussion. He insisted that the Constitution does not mandate him to collect such list from the governors and that the state chief executives should concentrate on sourcing good materials that would help them run the states adequately.”
The source quoted Buhari as saying that “I do not think we can discuss that issue of Ministerial list. The Constitution clearly does not mandate me to take a list from the governors. To me, the governors should concentrate on getting good hands to help them in discharging their duties in the states.”
The APC governors had made a meal out of their meeting with General Buhari last week, with media reports indicating that they were in Abuja to submit ministerial lists to the president-elect. But the sources said that they left the meeting disappointed, as the General turned down their two major requests.


Saturday 9 May 2015

Where to find a nice guy!

Hi Guys, it's been a while. I was going through some articles online and came across this interesting one which almost described the person I used to be and I decided to share it with you here. 

For most of my life, I’ve always been the nicest guy around. I was nice to everyone. We’ve heard of blooming boy scouts, who are so hell bent on trying to be nice to everything.
Now imagine me at school, I was the leader of boy scouts! Literally!
So that probably makes me one of the nicest guys in the world, waiting to get walked over by everyone who has seen my face.
If there was anything as an Academy Award for the Nicest Guy, I would have won that with my hands tied behind my back. I was that nice!
I helped old women cross the street, stayed sober because I had to drive my friends back after a New Year party, and always made sure I put my others’ needs before mine, especially when it came to women.
A nice guy and his love life
I had my first serious relationship with a girl when I was fifteen. The relationship lasted a little over a year.
I knew it wasn’t going to work out two months into the relationship, but I didn’t want to break up because she was a nice girl, and I really didn’t want to break her heart. I silently suffered through a painful year with a girl who pretended like she was still single and kept our relationship a secret from her friends, especially her guy friends.
And what happened eventually was that she dumped me and walked out on me two days before our ‘one year two months’ anniversary and hooked up with another guy who wore a leather jacket and had pierced ears.
I’ve had several women best friends since I was a young kid, and I used to speak with all of them for hours on end over the phone. All the girls in my college liked me a lot, and they kept reminding me about what a nice guy I was. Of course, I liked hearing that.
Friends, crushes and getting stuck in between
After graduating, I met this gorgeous girl, who took the air straight out of my lungs. She was exceptionally beautiful and very sweet. Eventually, after bumping into each other now and then, we became really good friends.
The only problem with her was that she was really depressed all the time. We used to sit down over coffee for hours, and I loved being around her. Within the first two years after knowing her, she had been in six relationships and walked out of all of them, and there I was, sitting next to her, falling in love more and more with her while she used to hug me and look deep into my eyes.
All I gave a damn about was how her boobs felt against me when she hugged me, but of course, what could I ever tell her?
I could never tell her I had a big crush on her. I mean, the closeness we shared would eventually get us together, right? And after each hug, she used to tell me the same thing, “You are the sweetest guy I’ve ever met. I wish more guys were like you.”
She even asked me the question that could have changed our relationship once, “tell me where to find a nice guy who would love me?” I just smiled and responded cryptically that he’s probably just around the corner waiting for her to recognize him. I wanted love to blossom through friendship like it did in the movies. The girl dates a million guys and finally realizes that the love of her life was right next to her.
When the nice guy loses his charm
After years of being by her side and putting up with everything she had ever told me, that’s what I was. A friend. After being there for her for so long, all I was to her was a friggin’ friend! And what upset me was that she wanted a nice guy, but she never did fall in love with me.
Our “mutual” friendship lasted five years, until one of her longer boyfriends found me threatening and asked her to avoid me, or break up with him. Yup, wasn’t she a true friend. She decided to part ways with me in happiness, so that we don’t hate each other. She never called me after that, and I still missed her. I didn’t miss listening to her rant about her guys, but I missed her warmth and I missed not having an opportunity to have gone out with her.
Mr. Nice Guy no more!
I had basically been through most of my prime years being really nice to women while they just steam-rolled all over me. The days when I could actually date young women without having to pay them for s*x were coming to a close. I was getting desperate.
And then, one day, as I was sitting on a park bench and contemplating if I should turn gay or die a virgin, something struck me!
Nope, it wasn’t an illuminating revelation. It was a big red Spalding basketball.
A bunch of guys were playing in the court nearby, and a few girls were watching the game. As the ball hit me, I was floored. I raised my head up groggily to see stars flickering in front of my eyes. I looked around and saw a few of the girls laughing until they turned pink. The guy who threw the ball towards me too, was roaring with laughter. And eventually one of the guys picked the ball up and walked away, without even apologizing to me.
I even saw one of the guys splash half a bottle of water on one of the girls. The girl yelled at him, and eventually, she started chasing him down. The guy and the girl caught up, they just hugged playfully, kissed and laughed out loud. I wondered why these good looking girls liked hanging around with a bunch of jerks when nice boy scouts like me were lonely and dumped all the time without the least bit of remorse.
I was hurt. My eyes welled up with tears, and streamed down my cheeks. I was in my early twenties, naïve, and I was so bitter and angry. And what made it all so much worse was that I was helpless. Women wondered where to find a nice guy, and even when I stood right in front of them, they walked all over me.
And at that moment, I vowed to change my life, and stop being nice to people, especially women. I was Mr. Nice Guy no more. I prided myself for being a really nice guy all this while and girls laughed at me, ridiculed me and walked all over me.
I wasn’t going to let that happen ever again. And almost overnight, I became rude and spoke my mind out without hesitation. My old friends drifted away and I made new friends. I became selfish and the world was just about me and only me. For the first time, I started enjoying life and meeting women who wanted to be with me, not because I was nice, but because I was someone they desired.
Where to find a nice guy?
So really, where are all the nice men? Perhaps, women have forced the nice guys to go extinct, or evolve into jerks that get women instantly.
Can you believe that? Of course, you don’t. But it’s true. Women change nice guys into jerks and wonder where all the nice guys have gone!
But we have the big question here, where to find a nice guy after walking all over him in the first place? Many people say you’d find nice guys in book clubs, concerts or even in the meat section of grocery stores. But is that true? I don’t think so.
You have as much a chance of finding a nice guy in a grocery store as much as you may have finding him in a coffee shop or any place else in the world. Nice guys are everywhere, and you’d probably bump into several of them every single day. But do you really care or even notice them? [Read: Love at first sight – The real truth]
Women may not know it themselves, but they’re really not looking for a nice guy. Women think they want a nice guy, but in reality, they really don’t. So if I were you, I’d stop looking for a nice guy because you’re not going to be happy with a nice guy anyways. It took me years to understand the psyche of a nice guy and why they end up losers in love. After all, I was a nice guy for most part of my life.
Understanding the mind of a nice guy
So who is a nice guy really? Is he nice by choice or is he just nice because he has no choice at all?
To be frank, nice guys aren’t gentlemen, they’re whining wussies. Nice guys have a huge inferiority complex, and they just can’t handle a confrontation. They don’t know how to say ‘no’ and they’re terribly afraid that women will reject them if they don’t go out of their way to be nice to women.
You know that nice guy, the same one that says “Is everything okay with you? Are you sure? Are you really, really sure? Talk to me about how you feel, okay, I’m here for you… I’ll always be here for you… Is there anything else I can get you…?” Well, that was me, that same dork you see in stupid teen movies, the same guy who gets a barrel of beer overturned on his head, while all the others laughed at him.
Nice guys constantly convince themselves that they’re better and nicer than other guys. I’ve been there and done that. Instead of manning up and facing a conflict or asking a girl out directly, they slink away and convince themselves that they are great guys who can handle anything if faced with an unavoidable situation, or get any girl they want if they really made a move.
They go out of their way to help others and love getting compliments and hearing that statement, ‘you are such a nice guy’. It reaffirms what they’re thinking, that they’re the nicest guys in the world, and that every other guy is a loser. But when a girl declines to go out with them, nice guys assume the world is conspiring against them and that women hate nice guys.
When you date a nice guy, he’s never going to speak his mind. He’ll only say what you want to hear, be it about your dress or the plans for the evening or what to order at a restaurant. By saying what you want to hear, he’s avoiding conflict and at the same time, making it appear like both of you have perfect compatibility. But these kinds of relationships can never work out or even be real, and after a while, women will start to hate this ever-agreeing and overly sensitive man who’s fake and constantly craving for your attention or dealing with emotional insecurities.
What kind of a man do women really need to be happy?
To be really happy with a perfect man, you need to stop trying to find a nice guy. Instead, look for a guy with three traits – a guy who loves you, respects you and most of all, respects himself. These guys are harder to find, but you’ll know if a guy respects you and respects himself in the very first conversation. And the best part, these men can be found everywhere.
It takes one respectful and loving man and one complimenting and loving woman for a relationship to be happy and successful. Not a nice guy. And definitely not a woman who feels guilty for stepping all over a nice guy