Wednesday 18 February 2015

The earth does not rotate!!!

Geography Lied?
A video appearing to show a Saudi cleric saying the Earth does not rotate has gone viral, generating humour and criticism. In the clip, a man identified as Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari appears to respond to a student’s question on whether the Earth is stationary or moving by saying that it is “stationary and does not move”. 
He illustrates his theory with a sealed water cup, trying to explain how a stationary plane would have trouble reaching China if the country was rotating away from it.
Lolz. Funny how people have different perceptions of things around them?

Please leave your comment 


Friday 6 February 2015

Important information and security tips

Please be informed of an impending security
exercise tagged “SHOW OF FORCE” by the
government security agencies in the country being carried out as part of the efforts to ensure maximum security before, during and after the forthcoming general elections on the 14th and the 28th of February, 2015.

Thus, kindly find below the important information and security tips provided by the Acting Chief of Security for our safety and security during the period.

1. As at today, the Nigeria Police Force and other relevant security agencies have been put on high alert and they are expected to conduct periodic and random searches on people, vehicles and various hotspots.

Thus, we are therefore advised to cooperate with them during this period; do not abuse security agents, obstruct their work, or resist
them unnecessarily to avoid unfortunate

We have been informed that the Show of Force exercise is also a Shoot-at-Sight order.

2. There will be restricted movement of people in the hours leading to, and during the February 14th Presidential elections and February 28th
Gubernatorial elections.

Thus, we are advised to observe and comply with these directives for our personal safety.

3. We are advised to adequately stock our homes with required food items during the election period, in case of emergencies, imposed curfews or other threats that may arise after the elections.

4. If you are registered to vote and have your
Permanent Voters Card, you are advised to go early to the Polling Centers, get accredited, cast your votes and leave the vicinity immediately for your homes to await the results.

5. Please do not cluster around polling centers and stay away from groups and bunch of people, no matter the discussion or incident that may have attracted them together.

6. Begin now to gather information about your
environment and feel the pulse around your
intended voting center. Study your polling unit, and if it's packed with miscreants, thugs and unknown faces, steer clear; remember that your life matters more than the vote.

7. Dress responsibly and avoid adorning any
political attire, party logos etc. to prevent mistaken identity and possible victimization.

Please remember that no campaign is allowed during elections.

Avoid wearing politically branded T-shirts, caps or bearing handbills, posters, pamphlets and banners of candidates.

This can pose as a risk.

8. Avoid joining in on inciting discussions at the
voting center which may be capable of fanning the embers of political discords amongst the political parties and their agents.

9. Stay away from parked cars and abandoned
packages, luggage etc.

10. Do not buy drinks, snacks, etc. around polling centers, nor should your share/receive consumables or gifts from anyone at the polling centers.

If you sense danger or suspect any foul play, report to the approved Security Agents.

Don’t take the law into your own hands!

11. Avoid taking your vehicle, kids or expensive
jewelries and other personal belongings to the
polling centers.

12. As part of security arrangements, all
church halls will be evacuated after every church service within 1 hour.

Brethren will not be allowed to hang or cluster around the church hall or entrances after services or programs.

13. Vehicles will not be allowed to park close to
the entrances of the church facilities for pick up or drop off.

You are encouraged to be extra-vigilant and law- abiding during this period.

Further information will be provided as the elections draw near.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

See how to Fly when Life makes you feel like to cry

I was searching for an inspirational article and when I visited weddingdigest's blog, I saw this marvellous writeup with loads of eye opening revelations of the various ways God tries to propel us to our next level in the guise of what we call "trials".

 Go on, read and don't be in a hurry to finish it . Take your time.

I haven’t written in a while so this is at little long, but it’s so worth your time to read.
I was in Wyoming recently and I was taking in the beauty of the place. I mean, I love it. As I was looking up at the mountains I saw an eagle flying above me. I had to stop and take in its majestic beauty. I had never seen a real life eagle. All I had heard about an eagle was in church when the pastor said that the eagle pushes its young out of the nest to teach it to fly. It really did move me watching this bird that had no doubt been pushed out of the nest and had learned to do what I was watching it do.

I got back to the cabin that evening and I started doing some research on eagles. I was so excited to read the story of how it learned to fly. Well, to my surprise, eagles pushing their young out of the nest is a myth. I was shocked. I know that I heard a preacher say that in church… now I ain’t gonna say that that pastor lied but I will say he didn’t do the research… LOL. So I did it on my own. I did find some interesting facts that got me thinking about life… mine and yours. It’s funny how God can speak through everything. Here’s what I found.

Eagles build the biggest nest of all birds. It’s huge, comfortable and deep. One of the most interesting things that I found was the way that the eagle gets its young chicks to fly out of the nest. For many weeks it brings food to the nest. The little eagles have no worries, they have all they need to survive. But when the adult eagle deems that it’s time for the young eagles to fly, things get uncomfortable.

Now the young eagle doesn’t know that it’s time to fly, but the wisdom and the bird’s eye view of the mother knows that it’s time for the chicks to leave the nest. So you know what she does? She doesn’t bring food to the babies anymore, and this is what I found fascinating. Many times she will fly around the nest with the food in her beak so that the young eagles will be tempted or so hungry that they are forced to fly out of the nest and take it out of her beak. Stay with me I’m going somewhere here.

As I thought about this, I thought about my life and how many times I was in a very comfortable space. I had all I needed. There was no need for me to go any further because I was comortable. I wanted to stay there forever. You have to be careful when you get comfortable and stay too long. It’s easy to stop dreaming when your belly is full. You won’t feel the need to fly at all.

The truth is, as long as I was there in that really comfortable space, I wasn’t fulfilling my own destiny or my purpose. I wasn’t flying, I was content. Remember this, your greatest prayers are not usually answered in comfort. Think about it. I can really get deep into this with stories from my past but you’re probably tired of reading already… LOL… so I’ll try and wrap it up.

It took an uncomfortable situation or being hungry to make me get out and fly. Many times in life things are going well, but then everything that was so great changes and we wonder why. We wonder what happened. We are caught off guard. I am of the opinion that in those times God, who knows when it’s time for us to leave the nest, is allowing it to become uncomfortable so that we can move on to our next mission in life. Our next hope, our next dream, our next level.

After not realizing this for many years and resisting changes and going through hell, I’m glad to say that I have become so sensitive to when it’s time to move that I will move without having to have the turmoil. I’m telling you I was so stubborn that the house had to burn down for me to move. Now I know better. I’m aware of when it starts to happen, like things happen that don’t make any sense. People you have been friends with or in business with or otherwise for years just seem to go crazy and you don’t know why. What I’ve learned in those moments is that it is a time to fly. Business changes, jobs go away, friends break your heart, marriages end, relationships end, and most times all these things are signs that it’s time to take flight to your next level.
Nobody likes change, I get it, but don’t be angry or bitter when things change. Don’t be mad with people, especially when you know you did right by them and you did all you could do for the friendship or relationship. I’m sorry to tell you this my friend, but this moment was not about them it was all about you. I’m telling you if God has allowed you to become so uncomfortable in your situation, whatever it is, then its time for you to move! Don’t be afraid, just fly!

Last thing and then I’m done . there is one part of the eagle story that I haven’t told you yet, and this is my favorite part. If those baby eagles get out of the nest and they are trying to fly and it’s not going well, then that same mother bird that provided for them while they were in the nest, that same eagle will fly under the baby eagle to keep it from falling, to keep it on course, and give it a sense of security. God’s got you, don’t be afraid! He won’t let you fall!

Now here’s the question: what situation in your life has become so uncomfortable that you feel like you’re being starved for what you need? Maybe its God’s way of telling you it’s time to fly! It’s time to fly for your own dreams and your own hopes and goals. Fly for true love and real hope. This is your moment to fly, in 2014. Make this the year that you leave the nest without fear.

Author: Tyler Perry

Tuesday 3 February 2015

MUST READ!!! She was a good loving wife but I killed her

Hi guys, I came across this interesting article on weddingdigest's blog and decided to share. It teaches the married and the unmarried a very important lesson.
Please read, it's worth the time.

Yesterday, I went to interview a preacher. He came three hours late to his church, venue of our meeting and I was a bit angry. But when he explained what kept him, not only did I forgive him quickly and learned some lessons, but I decided to share this with you so that some of us could learn.

Husbands and wives should learn how to settle their quarrels without delay. I have seen situations where couples allow simple disagreement to fester for days. Husband is silently hurting, expecting the wife to speak to him first. Same for the wife, hurting and expecting the husband to play the man. The waiting game leads from one thing to the other. If you are at this level of matrimony, please read this. You might have a reason to call your spouse and together take an oath that “OUR QUARREL WOULD NOT LAST BEYOND THAT MOMENT.”

The story as told by the reverend: Husband and his wife (his church members) had a domestic disagreement one morning. The man said he was was so bitter about it, claiming his wife knew she was wrong but refused to apologise. She felt it was a non issue and the husband should overlook easily. To say “I am sorry, darling”, to her husband was difficult for her. So many people are like that. So many wives take their husbands for granted tooooooooo much. We are humans o. Blood flows in our veins. Make una hear well well.
Three days on, malice reigned in the house. The husband said he must get that “I am sorry.” Wife cooked, husband refused to eat. Everyday he came home with food from Tantalizer. He boycotted matrimonial bed. Husband found new friends in the children. Same with wife. By the way, the children were too small to break the ice. I’ve been there before. Thank God I am wiser now.

On Sunday, last Sunday, they went to church in their different cars but sat side by side during service, pretending to be jolly good husband and wife. Fraud in the house of God! Jibiti ponbele! May God forgive some husbands and wives. But after service, husband went home with the children while she waited for women’s meeting. That day, Satan decided to enter the crevice they allowed in their home.

The husband was home already. When he perfunctorily checked his phone, his wife had called him thrice. He disregarded calling her back. Malice. The wife drove in some forty minutes later. He saw Usman opening the gate for her as his phone went on ringing. He checked it. It was his wife. She was in her car at the garage already. What is she calling me for? Foolish and stubborn wife! He said and ignored her calls. The call went on for a while. He ignored it as he sat with the TV.

Thirty minutes later, she did not come in. Something told him to go and check. Is she still in the car? Yes she must be there. He called Usman, Is madam in the car? Few minutes later, Usman rushed in. Madam dey sleep inside the car o. That was when he woke up and rushed downstairs. Asthma! Could she be having her usual attack? Could she have forgotten her inhaler?

He quickly took the inhaler and rushed downstairs. When he got there, she was almost breathless. Usman and husband quickly carried her to the back seat and off, he sped like a bat out of hell, to the clinic nearby. Madam was confirmed dead!

If he had picked her call early enough, probably she could have been saved. When you leave domestic disagreement to fester for too long, it leads to greater evil. The preacher said husband is weeping mad, blaming himself…i killed my wife! Only God knows how many wives, husbands, children have died such a needless death.

Couples must cultivate one another. No matter how angry I am with my wife, I, in my office, she, in her shop….I call her at least three times during the day. I call even when I have no reason to call. All I could say is “Where are you?” “Wetin dey?” “Anything for your boyfriend?” I am not saying this to impress anybody, but because it is the truth!

Landlord Kicks Out Ailing Nollywood Actor In Lagos

Ailing Nollywood actor, Prince James Uche, who was abandoned by his wife some years back, is now facing eviction notice from his landlord.

Uche had fallen ill after something struck him on his face.
Unknown to many movie fans and fellow Nollywood practitioners, James, a former Vice President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria and seasoned actor, is still struggling to survive a strange illness that has kept him off the screen for eight years.
Prince James Uche
The actor, who is still battling with an undefined heart disease, memory and sight loss has been served an eviction notice by his landlord, ordering him to vacate his residence at 45, Yetunde Brown Street, Gbagada, Lagos.
In a chat with Punch, Uche, who now spends most of his time in the premises of a Catholic church near his residence, recounts his ordeal.
He said, “All I can remember is that something struck me on the left side of my face about eight years ago, when I was heading for the burial ceremony of Pete Edochie’s mother at Nteje in Anambra State. I had no idea what hit me in the face, but it happened when I arrived at the junction leading to the town.
“I got to the venue of the ceremony and stayed in the town for two days. On the third day, I suddenly found that I could no longer move my body freely. Although I barely managed to get up on my feet, I could not climb up the staircase.
“I had to wait till the following Sunday before deciding to leave for Lagos. But my friend, Edochie, persuaded me to follow him to Enugu where he lived at the time. I slept in Enugu on that day. In the morning I went for treatment in a hospital.
After the doctor had finished examining me, he stared at me with his mouth half open in shock for a long time. When I asked what was wrong, he said I should have been dead. He took my pulse again and then, sweating, said my blood pressure was abnormally high. He said it had risen up to 300 and it was a miracle that I was still alive.”
Uche got to find out he had a heart problem and the doctor the Enugu hospital prescribed a certain drug for his illness and instructed him to take it for the rest of his life.
The actor on his sick bed
The actor on his sick bed
Unfortunately, eight years after, the actor, whose career has been seriously affected by the ailment, is still battling for his life and his case has progressively declined over the past years. His kidneys no longer function properly.
The illness has cost him his life savings and even his marriage.
He was able to undergo five dialyses in 2013, with financial assistance from members of his church – Our Lady the Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Gbagada, Lagos but there are fears the kidney may pack up due to inadequate medical attention.
It was gathered from a female member of the Society that Uche’s family, relatives and colleagues have virtually abandoned him to his fate.
She said, “James Uche’s family has not helped his situation at all. Maybe, if they had been around him, his health would not have deteriorated this bad. When his wife took the children and left, he was all alone in their residence. Nobody visited him. None of his relations, colleagues or friends visited him or volunteered to give him his drugs until members of the Society of St. Vincent the Paul decided to care for him.”
It was also learnt that members of the Society had made an effort to contact the Abia State Government, through the representative of the Item Constituency in the House of Assembly, for assistance to the actor but the person did not get back to them.
Sometime last year, word reached the Actors Guild of Nigeria that Uche was still seriously ill. A delegation was sent to visit him in his home. He was subsequently taken another hospital in the Gbagada area of Lagos for treatment and placed on health insurance, which gave him access to free drugs. Ever since, the AGN has done nothing else to assist him.
In 2012, his wife abandoned him because she could no longer cope with the burden of taking care of him and their three children.
Uche, who rose to fame in the 2001 blockbuster, Odigbo, is still languishing in pains and crying for help.
Just recently, Nollywood lost one its actor’sMuna Obiekwe. Muna died in a hospital in Festac, Lagos, after battling with kidney disease.

Survivors Revealed What Really Happened In Baga

A month past after the deadliest Boko Haram attack on Baga town, launched by militants on January 3rd, but the exact number of deaths is yet to be known. The BBC correspondent Thomas Fessy in West Africa tried to piece together a picture of what occurred that day.

It was reported that scores of men, women and children were killed in the Nigerian towns of Baga and Doron Baga in the northeastern Nigerian state of Borno, close to Lake Chad. According to the military officials only 150 people were killed in a fierce attack, most of them were terrorists. Other sources put the death toll up to 2,000.
Harun Muhamad, survivor from Baga
Harun Muhamad, survivor from Baga
The survivors at refugee camps in Chad have been narrating their ordeal.
The Boko Haram militants launched a fierce attack, when many residents had already gone to worship. They heard the shootings at 05:45 local time (04:45 GMT), just before dawn.

Harun Muhamad, the 31-year-old survivor from Baga said: “We went to the military barracks to ask the soldiers what was happening. They told us that Boko Haram may be attacking, so we took our machetes and knives to defend ourselves.”
As insurgents advanced through the west side of Baga, a group of determined young men gathered their “cutlasses” – or machetes – and knives to protect their town. They achieved a rare success.

We pushed them back, together with our soldiers,” said the local man.
The militants were made to retreat into the bush.
Survivor from Baga
Survivor from Baga
Another Baga resident 20-year-old Dahiru Abdullahi added: “We all came out en masse to fight back,” recalling that most terrorists were wearing military uniforms of different kinds, some of them also had black coats on and turbans.
After the fighters’ retreat, there was a calm in the fighting and some relief, but it did not last long.

A few hours later Boko Haram returned. They attacked the town again. Their lines had inflamed to a frightening column of pick-up trucks and motorcycles.
When I was running and they were hunting us, shooting us, some people were falling and dying, others being run over with motorbikes and dying. Some reached the bank of the lake,” Hadija Abakar, survivor from Baga said.
Another local, Dahiru Abdullahi, added, that “they came back out from the bush with around 20 vehicles.”
No less than 10 armed terrorists jumped from each car. It remains unbearable to know how many insurgents took part in the attack; refugees spoke of “hundreds”. The residents also out-armed.
According to Harun Muhamad the second wave of Boko Haram militants was “too many”, making everyone to run for their lives.
The survivors narrated how the armed terrorists shouted at the young men who had earlier wielded locally made weapons.
Be brave, men, why don’t you fight us?” Boko Haram militants cried.

The Nigerian soldiers, too, gave up fighting and fled faced with the advancing terrorists. Survivors say many threw or dropped their guns on the ground as they went, leaving them for others to retrieve.
Mother of a two-year-old boy Saratu Garba, 20, said: “Vigilantes picked up these weapons and fired back, but they found themselves overwhelmed by the force against them and [they] ran as well.
Survivors described pandemonium as the Boko Haram armed group progressed through the town. The local residents escaped in all directions; many thinking that they could seek refuge in the nearby fishing town of Doron Baga, on the shore of Lake Chad.
By midday, the attack had turned into a hunt-to-kill as Boko Haram fighters chased people down the road.
Dahiru Abdullahi, survivor of Baga attack, said:
There was also a woman whose baby fell into the water. We got him out, gave her the baby back and she was able to get into the boat.. We entered boats, but they kept firing at us.
They shot people dead, but they also killed with their cars, running over those who were in their way,” another woman, Saratu Garba, added.
There were too many corpses to count them.”
The woman and other refugees all narrated seeing women, children and men falling to the ground or lying dead. The streets of Doron Baga were soon littered with bodies. As people reached the shores of Lake Chad, Boko Haram insurgents closed in on them.
They kept firing at us even when we jumped on boats,” said Dahiru Abdullahi. “One man next to me was shot.”
Families scattered in a desperate flight. Many were separated as they ran for their lives.
Some fled through the bush and, days later, reached sanctuary in other Nigerian towns or cities. According to Medecins Sans Frontieres about 5,000 escaped to the Maidiguri, Borno State capital – 162km (100 miles) from Baga. Others travelled north and crossed into neighbouring Niger.
Harun Muhamad, who was disjointed from his wife and baby, said: “I don’t know whether they are alive or dead.”
However, Dahiru Abdullahi, is waiting for news of his younger brother. “Him and nine other men who were with us, they have disappeared,” he said.
The leader of Boko Haram militants Abubakar Shekau released a video after Baga attack. He took the responsibility for the Baga attack.
It remains impossible to know precisely how many Nigerians were killed during the attack. Human rights group Amnesty International has said that up to 2,000 lost their lives, but BBC has found no indication to back such a claim. Eyewitness accounts suggest several hundred are likely to have died, but the real figure will probably never be known.

The Federal Government of Nigeria looks unable to settle any death toll. The army rejected Amnesty’s count, saying “the number of people who lost their lives during the attack has so far not exceeded about 150“.
Satellite images of Baga and Doron Baga taken after the attacks show the extent of the damage – with an estimated 3,700 structures damaged or destroyed, according to Amnesty International.
In an online video, a man named Abi Mos’aab Albernawi – introduced as the “official spokesman” for Boko Haram – said they attacked Baga because it was “important in terms of commercial and military value to the Nigerian government“.
Baga was most probable targeted because of the nearby military base, headquarters of the Multinational Joint Task Force that includes Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon.